Randy Hillier, former Member of Ontario Provincial Parliament, was one of the most powerful voices against government COVID mandates. He founded No More Lockdowns, an organization that provided lawn signs, and organized protests and gatherings for Ontarians who opposed restrictions and mandatory vaccination. When thousands of Freedom Convoy truck drivers and their supporters converged on Parliament Hill to protest border restrictions on the unvaccinated, Randy was there, lending his support.
A couple of weeks ago I noticed a Tweet by Randy saying that he had an impersonator on Twitter. I was shocked when I tried to report the imposter and, even though Randy and I follow each other, I was not able to find Randy’s real profile when I did a Twitter search for him.
Randy’s real Twitter profile was being hidden, and someone pretending to be him was showing up in the search instead. It was mind-boggling to think that a former Parliamentarian with nearly 75,000 followers would be completely suppressed in the search, so I decided to reach out to Randy and see what else has been going on in his life since the mandates were lifted.
Still Fighting for Freedom
It turns out Randy is still very much in the heat of the battle for our rights to free speech and bodily autonomy. He is subject to many restrictions on what he can say on social media, so most people aren’t even aware of the extent of his current legal battles.
Randy had 25 provincial charges against him for organizing and attending No More Lockdowns rallies when social gatherings were prohibited. Although he says a dozen of them have been withdrawn, each one could net him up to $100,000 in fines and a year in jail.
On July 26-27th, there will be a hearing on two of the remaining provincial charges. This is a Charter Challenge, and, if it is successful, it would eliminate all the rest. Randy will be sharing a Zoom link so that you can watch the hearing. He will post it on all his social media profiles and on the No More Lockdowns site as the court date approaches.
Criminal Charges
In addition to the provincial charges, Randy has nine criminal charges stemming from his presence at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. Three of those charges are related to an alleged “assault” of a peace officer. The Crown has alleged that Randy picked up a barricade and threw it at an officer. There is, however, a video of him moving the barricade, and it shows no such thing.
Randy has asked the Court for a change of venue out of Ottawa. He believes that he cannot get a fair trial in Ottawa due to the highly charged political rhetoric around the Freedom Convoy. At first, his request was denied, but the Court has since relented and allowed for arguments on the issue on September 19th.
If there is Zoom access for that hearing, I am sure Randy will be sharing it on all his channels as well.
Currently Randy is under strict speech restrictions, and, as of today, his Twitter profile still doesn’t show up on a “person” search. The imposter from a couple of weeks ago is gone, but another one has taken their place with an exact duplicate of Randy’s Twitter profile.
Support Randy Hillier’s Ongoing Battle
It is so important that we support Randy now. Even though most of us have gone back to our normal lives, things could turn in an instant and we could be back to lockdowns and restrictions once again.
Please take time to watch his court appearances as they come up. We need them to know that everything they do is being observed by the public.
You can also donate to Randy at NoMoreLockdowns or book a stay at his Scuttlebutt Lodge to help offset his expenses.
Additionally, you can share his social media posts widely, and share this article, too. We, his supporters, must magnify his voice just as much as our opponents are trying to suppress it!
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Connie Fournier is an editor for TruckSpeaker Magazine, and co-founder of the conservative internet forum, Free Dominion.
In 2012, she was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal by federal Member of Parliament, Maurice Vellacott. He wrote, “Connie has been on the front lines of the battle to preserve fundamental freedoms in Canada…Through it all she has stood tall, and defended freedom for all Canadians.”
In 2015 she published a book called “Betrayed: Stephen Harper’s war on principled conservatism”.